Respect The Radial
Have you considered a radial approach?
As radial access is adopted and more readily available across the world, Cordis is dedicated to providing solutions you need from our comprehensive minimally invasive portfolio. From access to intervene and closure, Cordis has the products you need, including RAIN Sheath™ Thin-walled Introducer and ZEPHYR™ Vascular Closure Band.
1. Cooper CJ, El-Shiekh RA, Cohen DJ, et al. E ect of transradial access on quality of life and cost of cardiac catheterization: A randomized comparison. Am Heart J. 1999 Sep;138(3 Pt 1):430-6.
2. Kok MM, Weernink MGM, von Birgelen C, Fens A, van der Heijden LC, van Til JA. Patient Preference for Radial versus Femoral Vascular Access for Elective Coronary Procedures: The PREVAS Study. Catheter. Cardiovasc. Interv. 2018;91(1):17–24.
3. Basu D, Singh PM, Tiwari A, Goudra B. Meta-analysis comparing radial versus femoral approach in patients 75 years and older undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures. Indian Heart Journal. 2017;69(5):580-588.
4. Jolly SS, Amlani S, Hamon M, Yusuf S, Mehta SR. Radial versus femoral access for coronary angiography or intervention and the impact on major bleeding and ischemic events: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Am Heart J. 2009;157(1): 132-40.
5. Kern MJ. Radial Access in Practice. Tips for starting a successful program. Cardiac Interventions Today. September/October 2015.
6. Mitchell MD, Hong JA, Lee BY, et al. Systematic Review and Cost–Benefi t Analysis of Radial Artery Access for Coronary Angiography and Intervention. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2012;5:454-462.
7. Ansaarie I, Goldfaden RF, Hardy J, et al. A Retrospective Cohort Study to Evaluate the E cacy, Safety, and Cost of MáLEI via Transradial vs Transfemoral Peripheral Revascularizations. Vascular Disease Management. 2021.
Introducing #RespectTheRadial
#RespectTheRadial is our commitment to promoting awareness of techniques and products dedicated to safeguarding the radial artery. With a strong focus on prioritizing patient well-being, this initiative underscores our dedication to excellence in vascular care. Through #RespectTheRadial, we unite professionals and institutions to uphold the highest standards of patient care and reshape the landscape of vascular health with compassion, innovation, and clinical excellence.
Visit our Respect The Radial YouTube playlist for more videos
The Impact of #RespectTheRadial
Dr Gabriele Gasparini, Interventional cardiologist & Director of CTO Program at Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy
Dr George Adams, Director, Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular Research ; Associate Professor, Cardiology at Rex Hospital, United States
Dr. Marios Vlachojannis, Interventional Cardiologist, Klinikum Lippe, Germany
- Radial Access and Closure With the RAIN Sheath™ Introducer and ZEPHYR™ VCB to Treat Focal, Heavily Calcified RCA Lesions by Dr. Stöckl
- Minimising radial injury: prevention is better than cure by Dr. Mamas mamas et al.
- Prospective, Multicenter Registry to Assess Safety and Efficacy of Radial Access for Peripheral Artery Interventions, JSCAI, 2023
- Distal Radial Artery Approach to Prevent Radial Artery Occlusion Trial by Dr. Eid-Lidt et al.
- Best practices for transradial angiography and intervention: A consensus statement from the society for cardiovascular angiography and intervention's transradial working group by Dr. Rao et al.
- Radial access, PCR-EAPCI text book
- Radial access for coronary interventions confers lower mortality than femoral access
- An Update on Radial Artery Access and Best Practices for Transradial Coronary Angiography and Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association by Dr. Mason et al.
- RailTracking: A Novel Technique to Overcome Difficult Anatomy During Transradial Approach
- Feasibility and Safety of Performing Complex Coronary Interventions by Distal Radial Artery Using the Railway Sheathless Vascular System
- Evaluation of Railway Sheathless Access System for Transradial Coronary and Peripheral Interventions
- Successful Crossing of Complex Radial and Brachial Artery Anatomy Using a New Approach: Railtracking - PubMed (nih.gov)