SELUTION SLR PTA Drug Eluting Balloon
The SELUTION SLR™ Drug Eluting Balloon (DEB) incorporates the trusted drug, Sirolimus, into innovative balloon technology providing a SOLUTION for peripheral vascular interventions.

The New Paradigm for Peripheral Interventions
Breakthrough Technology1 to deliver sustained limus release.

CELL ADHERENT TECHNOLOGY (CAT)™ is a phospholipid blend containing and protecting MicroReservoirs , each incorporated with a 1 μg/mm² Sirolimus dose.

With a single intervention, millions of MicroReservoirs deliver a sustained and consistent drug release at a therapeutic level.
1. SELUTION SLR DEB was the first Sirolimus Drug-Eluting Balloon, for BTK, to be awarded Breakthrough Device designation by the US Food and Drug Administration.

SELUTION SLR DEB offers a broad portfolio to extend treatment options for peripheral artery disease
Advanced Coating Technology

Better Uniformity and Smaller Particle Size2
| CAT contains and protects microreservoirs. The coating is transferred to the vessel wall |
| MicroReservoirs (~4 mm) are as small or smaller than red blood cells |
| No local toxic effect on distal tissues / organs |
2. MedAlliance 2024 Data on file.

SELUTION SFA Japan Trial3, 4
A rigorous multi-center trial to assess Sirolimus Drug-Eluting Balloon's efficacy and safety in a Japanese population with symptoms of claudication and rest pain due to femoral-popliteal Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) with results showing:
- Sustained clinical and hemodynamic improvement through 2 years with a Primary Patency of 83% and freedom from CD TLR of 95.4% (Kaplan–Meier estimate).
- 98.3% of patients had a ≥ 1 category improvement in Rutherford Classification at 2 years, as compared to baseline.
- Results favorably matched best-in-class outcomes from similar studies conducted in and outside Japan.
3. 24-month results from SELUTION SFA Japan Trial, Oral Presentation, JET 2024.
4. Osamu Iida et al, A Novel Sirolimus-Coated Balloon for the Treatment of Femoropopliteal Lesions: The SELUTION SFA Japan Trial, J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. Jun 05, 2024. Epublished DOI: 10.1016/j.jcin.2024.03.029
Dr. Palena BTK CLI and Drug Eluting Balloons
Dr. Palena's (Italy) case review of BTK CLI treatment with SELUTION SLR PTA Balloons.
Prof. Rammos SFA and BTK with Limus-Eluting Balloons
Prof. Rammos (Germany) discusses the use of Limus-eluting ballons for SFA and BTK lesions.
Dr. Lichtenberg - SUCCESS 6-month Results
Dr. Lichtenberg discusses the results of the SUCCESS six-month all-comers registry at CIRSE 2024 after the late-breaking results were presented in the First @CIRSE session

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