Go Beyond Metal: Exploring DEB technology in de-novo coronary lesions

May 15, 2024 - May 15, 2024
4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. CET
EuroPCR: Room 252 A, 75017, Paris

Case-In-Point at EuroPCR 2024

We are delighted to invite you to our Case-In-Point at EuroPCR 2024: Go Beyond Metal: Exploring Drug-Eluting Balloon technology in de-novo coronary lesions

Join us if you'd like to:

  • discuss how sustained limus release technology can broaden DEB indications and reduce metal
  • understand the limitations of DES and the rationale and emerging role of DEB with sustained limus release
  • learn how to identify dissections that can be left unstented

Register your interest

Registration is open to HCPs attending EuroPCR 2024

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