Cordis @ PVI 2024: Managing CLI Patients with Sirolimus DEBs: Maximizing Efficacy and Safety
Dec 13, 2024
- Dec 13, 2024
Agora Room, PVI Congress Venue Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
An on-site course with a focus on Managing CLI Patients with Sirolimus DEBs

Course Director
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med Konstantinos. Stavroulakis, Germany
Target audience
HCPs attending PVI (vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists)
Learning objectives
- Understand the concepts, techniques, and devices to achieve optimal vessel preparation to optimize the efficacy of DCBs for CLI patients
- Discover the latest Sirolimus DEB clinical data and perspectives toward safe and efficacious clinical outcomes in CLI patients & the importance of vessel prep to succeed with the DEB strategy