Educational Grants
Cordis is committed to expanding and supporting education of healthcare professionals because better education leads to improved patient outcomes.
Cordis is committed to the education of Healthcare Professionals.
We understand by supporting education, patient outcomes are improved through procedural expertise, while clinical evidence is used to continually innovate and advance treatment. Cordis may provide educational grant support (monetary and/or product) to third-party educational conferences that further medical and scientific knowledge.
With a focus on education, Cordis works to expand the reach of vascular techniques and treatment for the millions with cardiovascular disease. Prior to initiating the Education Grant application process, please review the Guidelines before proceeding to Submit/View Request.
Additional documentation may be required depending on the type of grant application. The grant recipients of Cordis educational grant funds include academic medical institutions, hospitals, medical societies, professional associations, and government agencies.
A request can be submitted through the Request Management System.
Educational Grant Guidelines
Please see our complete Educational Grants Guidelines for more details and exclusions.
CE Grants for independent medical educational programs/activities sponsored and developed by eligible accredited providers.
Non-CE Grants for non-accredited independent educational programs/activities from an eligible institution, or development of patient and/or professional educational materials.
Application Deadline Applications must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the event date.
Fellowship Grants for organizations that demonstrate a true need for financial support with full control over selection and a bona fide selection committee to select recipient.
Eligible Institutions include academic medical centers, hospitals, medical societies, professional associations or governmental agencies that sponsor and develop educational programs designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals.